2024 Object, Without title, 70x20x20 cm, photo: artist’s archive
„Jeśli siebie nie poznasz”, Kronika, Bytom, Poland, 2023, photo: artist’s archive, Pearl diver, oil
on canvas, 180x200 cm, 2023 Object, Without title, 2020x810x830 cm
„Jeśli siebie nie poznasz”, Kronika, Bytom, Poland, 2023, photo: artist’s archive, Object, Without title, 2020x810x830 cm
„Jeśli siebie nie poznasz”, Kronika, Bytom, Poland, 2023, photo: artist’s archive,
Dollhouse, oil painting, black beeswax, surrounded by a salt circle and candles, 100x70x50 cm
„Time heals wounds”, Przestrzeń, Katowice, Poland, 2023, photo: artist’s archive,
Dollhouse, oil painting, black beeswax, surrounded by a salt circle and candles, 100x70x50 cm
„Close Enough”, Hidden Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic, 2022, photo: artist’s archive, Desire,
oil on canvas, 40x40 cm
Site-specific installation, „Time heals wounds”, Przestrzeń, Katowice, Poland, 2023, photo: artist’s archive, Light boy, oil on canvas, 60x40 cm