Paweł Sobczak (born 1997) - graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice with a distinction, and from the UPV Faculty of Belles Arts de Sant Carles in Valencia. An artist developing his practice in the field of visual arts. He has presented his works at solo exhibitions at the Kronika Center for Contemporary Art in Bytom, the BWA Gallery of Contemporary Art in Katowice, and independent galleries such as the Hidden Gallery in Prague. His work is regularly showcased at group exhibitions, including at the Musée Royal de Mariemont in Belgium, the Pola Magnetyczne Gallery in Warsaw, and the Utazu Art Award Biennale in Japan.
The main theme in his paintings is the exploration of human identity. The artist uses portraiture to create an anonymous figure, enabling him to explore the complexity of human nature. By employing symbols and metaphors, he engages in a dialogue with the unconscious, prompting the viewer to ask questions and seek answers within themselves. He sees his creative process as an artistic introspection of himself, his environment, and their mutual coexistence. The portrait depicted by the artist becomes transparent over time, due to the shift in focus from the artist's self-analysis to an analysis of the surrounding environment related to his origins, family, religion, and sexual orientation.
By participating in social projects and collaborating with non-governmental organizations, he seeks inspiration in diverse environments, recognizing their presence in the world as an integral part of social fabric.
,,Czemu pies szczeka, targa się po nocy?”, Tichauer Art Gallery, Tychy, Poland
Jeśli siebie nie poznasz, Kronika, Bytom, Poland
Your tears taste like sugar, PAS, Berlin, Germany
Close Enough, Hidden Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
I have never been a child, nor have I been an adult. BWA Contemporary Art Gallery, Katowice, Poland
Cuando yo era un niño, Freezia, Valencia, Spain
A+ MNFST, Metropolitan Warsaw, Poland
Limburg Biënnale 2024, Marres Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
Urządzenie ciał, Monidło Studio, Katowice, Poland
Zgasić światłość wiekuistą. Przeobrażenia wizji duchowości, Wallspace Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
Égypte. Éternelle passion, Musée royal de Mariemont, BelgiumXXVI
Jesienna Wystawa SChAP, MM Gallery, Chorzów, Poland
Of Blood And Milk, Pola Magnetyczne, Warszawa, Poland
Europe in the face of the Fifth Freedom, Szyb Wilson, Katowice, Poland
Migrations, BWA Contemporary Art Gallery, Katowice, Poland
The Art of Algorithm, Szyb Wilson, Katowice, Poland
PROYECTAR [SE], Colegio de Arquitectos, Toledo, Spain
National exhibition Jury, Delaline Arts Center, Maryland, United States
Trayectos, Facultat de Belles Arts de Sant Carrles, Valencia, Spain
Reflecto, Facultat de Belles Arts de Sant Carrles, Valencia, Spain
Utazu Art Award Biennale, Japan
Figurama, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, Poland
International Student Drawing Trienale, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, Poland
Equinox, Springfield, United States
Katowice Graphic Month, UMCS, Lublin, Poland
Process, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, Poland2019 Figurama, Rondo Sztuki, Katowice, Poland
Schronienie, Schron bojowy nr. 27, Ruda Śląska, Poland